Welcome to Valonsilta's website!

My name is Kaija Sundberg and I founded the Natural Healing Center for Valonsilta in 2006 in Virrat, Finland.

The most important thing for me is to help my clients to achieve physical and mental well-being and balance. The most rewarding thing is to see a customer find himself and his own path - and the feeling when I get to be a part of his development story.

Valonsilta organizes spiritual growth and well-being events in Finland. 

The big seminar events of recent years are here to stay - and in addition, we strive to constantly offer new things to learn and experience.

It's good for each of us to stay on the path of learning - that's why I update my skills regularly with courses from different instructors.

Read about current events and the people appearing in them on the "Events" page! 

Kaija Sundberg


2022 Heart course (biodynamic craniosacral therapy), teacher  Agata H. Holliger

2022 Reflexology training with essential oils, teacher Susan Neary

2014-2018 Biodynamic craniosacral therapy training, teacher  Agata H. Holliger

2013-2018 Craniosacral  training, teacher Merja Nisonen

2015 Trance in Finland, teacher Gill Andrews

2013-2015 In Holland, Zwanenhoff - Viestinvälitys, teacher Nicole De Haas, 

20215 Spiritual Art in Finland, teacher Lynn Cottrell

2010-2015 supplementary trainings organized by Finnish spiritualist societies , teachers: Ritva Lippo, Irene Naden, Darren Britten, Lynn Cottrell, Andrew Bishsop

2008, 2009, 2012, 2013 ja 2014 in England Arthur Finlayd College, teachers:  Steven Upton, Lynn Cottrell, Matthew Smitch

2014 Soul Body Fusion -training, teacher Heidi Nyström

2013-2014 Tarot card interpretation training, teacher Avril Price

2013 Detox entire body lymph activating treatment training , teacher Mirva Kvintus

2001-2010 Reiki-courses 1-6, teacher Esa Karikoski

2010 Crystal light therapy training in Brazil, teacher Arthur Brios

2007-2010 Medium traning, teachers Kirsti Hyväri, Maila Marttinen, Irene Naden ja Ritva Lippo

2009 Reconnection energy nurse, teacher Eric Pearl

2004-2007 Medium education basic, further and advanced education